Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Work work work

Today, I was woken up in the most abrupt way: a huge bolt of light and a loud clap of thunder, followed by constant barking. I'm dog-sitting for Belle while Amelia is in New Orleans, and I guess she's afraid of thunderstorms!! It was around 6:15 am and I just thought I would get up considering my alarm was going to go off soon.

So I headed to work by 8am, and worked my butt off until 6pm. Literally, I didn't leave my desk and I just kept chugging along, crossing things off my list left to right! I made lots of progress, and finished everything in such great timing! Our deadline was today, and we had to send out some drawings to our client by the end of the day today. Success!

Now, I'm just at home watching Cupcake Wars and responding to the many emails I have from people who want to move in to my apartment! I didn't think I would get any responders, well maybe one or two, but today I got four! Haha. Two girls are coming for a tour this week, one next week, and one in May if I don't find anyone to live here by then.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can find a good replacement!

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