Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Glimmer of hope

After whining on here at on my journal about being sad not talking to Anthony, he called me last night and we talked for a long time! I was so happy to hear from him. He's hiked over 110 miles, and is loving it. He's hiking with three people, each with their own nicknames already but he and Tom don't have them yet. There's Pork Steak, who likes to eat pork steak, who is married to Somersault, who tripped and fell on the trail and did a somersault, and then there's Inspector Gadget, who is always prepared with anything a hiker would ever need! He only got rained on two days, but he said he was staying positive while thinking about how it's nice to have a water supply easily available. One cold night, he slept great because of his fancy schmancy hiking gear, while Tom was freezing and awake all night. They stayed in a motel yesterday and last night, and woke up to get on the trail again. He said that he got a lot of "trail magic" last week, with free pancakes and breakfasts from nearby people!

I am so happy to hear from him and know that even though he's hiking a ton, he's still loving every mile and having lots of good food to eat. He said he's not really looking forward to the stingy northerners, because all the southern people on the trail love helping the thru-hikers so much. Haha.

Anyway, I found the most perfect apartment in the world. OK, it's not perfect. But it's pretty damn close. A pool...lots of living space...huge kitchen...gated property...dog park...yoga studio...huge gym...1/2 hour from the Metro...omg I loved it. Kyra, though, isn't sold yet and it's because it's not too close to a lot of things. I understand completely, but part of me wants to be very honest and just say, "Girl, you're never going to find anything for this price anywhere else." Instead, I said, "I understand if you don't like it, but it's amazing. Let me know what you think." I hope she wants it. Huge closets...balcony...dishwasher...full-sized washers and dryers...bay window...you just can't find those things anywhere for under $1000 a person! Here's the catch. Minus the location not being prime, the complex is right next to the Metro and Amtrak tracks. A bunch of people wrote, "Noisy" on their reviews, but I was on the property during rush hour and hardly noticed the noise. Our building wouldn't be on the tracks, either, which is good. Also, the complex is full of people and dogs, and the fact they allow dogs is huge because a ton of properties up here don't. I hope she comes around! We'll see, though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. You should cross your fingers too.

SO now I'll talk about work. I hate it right now. I know people go through stages where they hate their jobs, but I hate it. HATE. I hurt just thinking about having to go to work the next day most of the time. It's because I'm coasting and my to-do list is packed full of shit that Interior Designers never have to do. Elevator shaft sections? Garage vestibules? It's just so frustrating. But they say, "Courtney, you have the skills to do this, trust us." But I really wish I could do interiors work. Danielle looked over my shoulder the other day at work and said, "What on Earth are you doing?! I've never had to do that in my entire career." (Career of five years, I believe.) I wish that people would understand that yes, I love KGD, but sometimes I just HATE the work they give me, with an utter, inner, boiling passion. If I had to do these tasks continuously throughout my career, I would definitely switch careers. The long hours, the unhappy people, the low pay...it's enough to scare anyone away from the profession. Brian, my supervisor at work, said, "Did you ever notice that all the Architects in the movie are refined, rich, and look like they sleep every night?" Then he just laughed as if to say, "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight."

If I was to switch careers, though, I wouldn't know where to start. Just like in college when I asked myself, "If you were to switch majors, what would you study?" I never had a good answer, so I didn't ever switch. Some day, I want to love my job. I want to look forward to going to work everyday instead of dreading it. I want to surround myself with optimistic, happy people instead of grumpy, overworked architects. If I was put into a situation where I would have to move to a location that didn't have an Architecture/Interior Design job for me, I would want to bake or be a Mom or go back to school to be a teacher or I would be an event planner. I think those would all be nice. I couldn't afford to go back to school, actually, so that probably rules that one out of my list. Maybe. Maybe if I was to go back to Blacksburg one day, I could get my Masters in Interiors and become a studio teacher and ask students silly questions like, "What is that?" They would say, "It's a box." "No, it's not just a box. What does it mean to you?"
"It's just a box."
"What does it do?"
"It doesn't do anything."
F for you!

Baking sure would be fun to do...everyone loves cakes. And those people who don't like cakes certainly love cupcakes or pies or baked brie or cookies. Everyone likes one of those. Even Ava, who swears she doesn't like sweets! Or Carie, who says she doesn't like cake.

It's 8:09pm on Tuesday. This means New Girl is on at 9! I better get cozy on the couch with some hot chocolate before it comes on!

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