Sunday, January 8, 2012


Well, it's Sunday, and what have I been doing for the past three days? Sleeping, taking medicine, laying on the couch watching TV, and doing absolutely nothing! I feel a bit better today, though, but I'm still really stopped up and tired. Back to work tomorrow...can't say I'm 100% excited, honestly. It's been so nice having a break from my long hours and stressful deadlines!

I can't wait to get better, though, because there are so many things on my to do list! For one, I really need to organize my life! I have so many things I need to donate to the good will and I have a lot of things to unpack from Christmas/New Orleans. Then, I am excited to make some Cake Pops after getting the new book for Christmas from Andrea, Marty, Rachael, and Katie, and I also need to start running to train for my potential half marathon in June, and I really really need to go hang out with my new friend, Ashley, soon!! Ah! So much to do when I feel better...

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