Sunday, January 15, 2012

2012 January Jump

Courtney, what was January Jump?! It was a seminar-type event full of very peppy, enthusiastic, optimistic, encouraging Mary Kay women, speaking to us Mary Kay minions about how to motivate ourselves to be great in life.

What I took from it was not what they expect, I don't think. I don't want to be a director right now. That is not my goal. If I had a family, children, a home, a stable life, I think I could imagine myself wanting their job. Not right now, though, and that's okay. I heard so many stories, motivational quotes, and got so many hugs that honestly, by the end of the day, my head was spinning spinning spinning and my head hurt. Ha ha.

Cindy Bliss, a Director, really spoke to me when she got up on stage. She said, "I have never liked girls. I owned my own Construction company, so what was I thinking joining Mary Kay?? I left my six-digit job to do Mary Kay full time, and now, I thank myself every day for it." I can relate to her in a way, because although I am a girly girl myself at times, I can't stand girl drama or girl problems. It's too much for me!

We watched a YouTube video next called "Life=Risk." It's really powerful. If you haven't seen this yet, I strongly recommend it:

Then, an Executive Senior Sales Director, got on stage and really spoke to me. She has such a past that I didn't expect, and she was really encouraging to me. One of her sons was diagnosed with cancer at a small age and her family was put into quarantine for almost two years. During that time, she did not touch Mary Kay once, and still make $152K a year on commission. Her whole belief with Mary Kay is "If you work really hard now, Mary Kay will take care of you when you need it most."

These are a few things she said:

"If something isn't working for you, it's probably because you're not working for IT."

"Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with." THIS one was the one quote that stuck out in my head the entire day.

"Commitment is continuing even though you don't feel like it."

"If your family and loved ones are healthy, happy, and you still feel like you're going through a crisis, it's actually JUST an inconvenience. So get over it!"

Then another Executive Senior Sales Director got on stage and gave another speech. Here's what I took from her's:

"Why are you fearing failure?"

"The size of a woman is determined by the size of the obstacle that stops her from continuing down her path."

"We underestimate the power of the uncomfortable."

"Pain has no memory. Give it purpose."

We ate lunch as a unit with my Director, Lindsay Pryor, and received my Mary Kay watch for reaching $1800 in sales from August-December!

Beautiful! I love it so much, because a watch really symbolizes success to me. I don't know why, but a business man/woman who wears a nice watch seems so put together. I think I associate that with Mom and Dad wearing their best watch to their best meetings/get togethers, and when I started my job at KGD, Anthony got me a white watch with little rhinestones like this one and I have worn it every single day. And this black watch is special to me because I earned it for free from the company!

After lunch, we sat in on four mini lectures from Directors.

1. Lindsay Pryor: Shoot to Win

"Do not worry about what is not in your control."

She spoke a lot about booking, how to get more appointments, etc.


2. Deanna Palko: Championship Selling

"Mary Kay sells itself." Very true.

She said something that made me laugh really hard. She described how sometimes we put our Mary Kay items in just a plastic bag to deliver to our customers. When we go to a store to buy underwear and they slip it into a plastic bag, we put it under our arm to not show anyone what we bought. If we were to spend a bit more effort wrapping our deliveries with tissue paper and make them look pretty, it's like going to Victoria's Secret and getting a really nice pink bag with tissue paper. It makes you want to show everyone and say, "I got some paaaaaaaaaanties!!" Ha ha.

She also told us how to sell better to people, like which words to emphasize and how to really be liked.

3. Amber Brown: How to Kick a Field Goal

"Learn how to dream."

She asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up when we were little. I thought really hard and came up with two ideas: a figure skater and a writer for American Girl.

She also asked us a very powerful question that I think we should ALL ask ourselves periodically:
"If you knew you would NOT fail, what would you start doing TODAY?"

"You miss 100% of the shots you do not take" - Wayne Gretzky

Five parts to a successful goal:
S pecific - who, what, where, when, why, how
M easurable - how much, how will I know when it's done
A ttainable - any goal is possible, but make it realistic - that's what's attainable
R ealistic - be willing and ready to meet your goal
T imely - give yourself time to meet your goal, make a time frame

"If a goal you make doesn't make your tummy hurt and your head spin, set a higher goal. Think: I can't sleep until I do this."

"I looked for it, but someday is not on my calendar!"

"Get rid of the miserable things in your life."

"You need to prove you can do it before gaining support from the people around you."

"You must sacrifice some things to make things happen."

"Work now, play later."

4. Katie Tylka: Drowning Out Doubt

"People do not decide their future. They decide their habits."

"Clarify your vision and your outcome will change."

"It doesn't have to be pretty. It just has to be done."

Finally, Moleda Dailey got on stage once more and explained to us the 10 things she knows for sure:

1. Never give up.
2. Never be afraid to shout your goal to the world.
3. Work. Don't worry.
4. You are who you hang out with.
5. Nothing is as bad as you think it is and nothing is as good.
6. Know what you want out of life and don't fear it.
7. Work not, play later.
8. Successful people use their families as an excuse to be successful, not a reason not to be.
9. Stay connected.
10. If it is to be, it is up to me.

At the very end of the day, they said, "Write your goals on a postcard, and your Director will send it to you as a reminder later!" I saw people writing frantically to fill up their white space. I looked at mine, looked at my pen, looked at my postcard, back to my pen...I couldn't come up with one goal. I was still absorbing all of the pieces of advice I heard throughout the day, and to be honest, I don't know what I want right now! I told her I needed to go home and really think about my goals. So that's what I'm going to do...but I have a hunch that my goals don't have a ton to do with Mary Kay right now.

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