Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long day

I woke up absolutely exhausted this morning. Honestly, I don't usually have a hard time waking up once I am out of bed, but this morning it was really really difficult! I spent the entire day working on material board plans, and I attended a few business meetings.

To tell you the truth, I almost fell asleep when I was in the engineering meeting for our new residential project. I was in there by choice, too! Hahaha!!! (Fail.) I was closing my eyes for abnormally long blinks, and when I opened my eyes, I always made eye contact with someone. (Epic fail.)

I worked through lunch today, because I had a lot to get done. I drank a lot of water today, though, and managed to not drink any coffee in order to wake me up! I was really proud of that! I hate having to drink coffee in the mornings. It seems unnatural and most of all, unhealthy! ...I do love my Starbucks, though. Yummy.

Tomorrow isn't going to be as busy at work, I don't think. I should actually get in the groove of bringing gym shoes and workout clothes to work, since I have access to the building's gym. I feel so privileged to work there because of all the cool perks! A gym...newly renovated locker room next to it...super secure entrances/exits/elevators...extremely close access to the Metro...free lunches/snacks now and then...my own personal phone number...

I know what you're thinking. "Courtney, you can get your own personal phone number wherever you work." BUT it seems cool because it's my first official business number!! Go ahead and ask me what it is!

...Good question. I have no clue!!

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