Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lovin me some Modern Family!

"I assure you Lilly didn't do that. We'd be on her like white on rice. I know that sounds like a racial slur, considering we're white and she presumably likes rice, but I didn't intend it to come out that way." - Eric, the bigger gay man, in response to a mother who blamed his daughter on biting her son.

Later when he was strapping Lilly into her car seat...
"Wait, she bit me! Wait! She bit me again! IT'S LIKE TWILIGHT BACK HERE!"

Yeah. I laughed. out. loud. Alone. In my townhouse.

OMG I love him. I want him to be my friend.

Starting over!


I have officially signed the new lease to my new apartment in Rosslyn!

(This is the closest I can get to showing you right now, haha)

Amelia and I didn't need a cosigner, and we qualify for no security deposit! We talked with the management staff for a while today during our lunch breaks, signed every paper necessary, and since she paid a reservation fee, I need to pay her back soon...but I've already given her a portion of it. OH! Did I mention that since I visited the complex and turned in my application within 24 hours, I got the $50 application fee waived? YEAH! I did! Plus, there's an apartment community happy hour in two weeks that we're invited to! I definitely made the right decision. Definitely. I have absolutely NO doubts whatsoever [yet]...

Then I got home and decided to cook pasta for dinner! I bought soy chorizo the other day at Trader Joe's (not really knowing what it was but it looked like sausage), and Rhianna taught me how to cook it and what to add it to! So, I made cheese ravioli with soy chorizo, tomato, and mushroom sauce!! Little did I know, soy chorizo is SPICY!!! I'm sweating!!

I have so much weight off my shoulders :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lesson of a lifetime...

So, as you know, I've constantly been going back and forth back and forth back and forth with my living situation. Do I want to live alone? Do I want a roommate? Do I want to live in Rosslyn? Do I even need to be near the Metro? Do I need to stay under $1000 a month? Where can I find that anyway?...


Remember that girl I said was perfect and how her apartment was so sunny and perfect?


Well, I didn't choose her's. HAH! Here's the story:

Basically, I had sent out inquiry after inquiry, trying to find roommates, places, something! I couldn't find anywhere closer to work less than $1200 a month, and I couldn't find anywhere near the Metro under $1000! I finally decided I needed to get down to business and decide ASAP so I wouldn't have to worry about my living situation when I'm out of town in July! I talked to so many different people that I quickly realized I'm never going to find the "perfect" accommodation...

So after hanging out with that "perfect" girl, I realized, "Wow! I really want to live with her." BUT Anthony had a great point: I was mesmerized by her clean apartment and wasn't really separating HER from the PLACE. After a couple days, I got to the point where I could actually separate the two, and I decided she wasn't so perfect after all. I thought about when she kept buying drink after drink because she kept losing her bestie kept spilling her drink on fake she seemed...and how she hated VT with a passion all because she went to FSU! Puuuuuleeeeeeeeez! Give me a break!

I woke up with the firm intention to go look at the golden retriever girl (Amelia)'s apartment complex. First off, I thought I was in Blacksburg. The main office was so convenient, the neighborhood is clean and nice, trees everywhere, grassy congregating areas, picnic tables, complimentary coffee (something I've grown to cherish here), and such NICE office managers!! The office manager, Claudia, showed me around the complex and to the outside of my apartment. It's on ground floor, which is so convenient because of Belle, her doggy! We don't have a patio, but we have a private entrance apart from the apartment complex, and grass everywhere outside our doorstep for her to do her stuff! It's also nice enough to go out and sit to enjoy a drink! The laundry is right next door in the next building, they're replacing the carpet right before we move in, and there are ceiling fans in both bedrooms (something I have grown to miss here)! It was so nice, frankly, and I had a GUT FEELING that I should be committing to it asap.

I got to the office and texted Amelia, "Is it still available? Because I want to live with you!" She got back to me RIGHT away and said, "Perfect! I'm canceling my other appointments now!" (Yesterday she said she'd love to have me live with her and how much fun it would be to live together.) Then, I had to get down to the dirty work: tell the "perfect sunny" girl that I chose another place.

As an introduction to the next part of the story, the "perfectly sunny" girl never ever said, "I'd love to have you live with me!" Only: "I'll let you know by the end of the week! I have more people interested." Also, I am quoting verbatim. Nothing has been intensified or manipulated.

I emailed this to her:

Dear girl,
Despite the perfection of your apartment, I have chosen to live in another apartment. Your place would've been a great fit for me, but I needed to commit asap since I will be out of town almost every weekend this month. I understand you've got lots of options, so I wish you good luck with your next roommate!! I would love to spend more time with you, since I had a great time hanging out with you and Shelby last weekend!
(No hard feelings!)

I thought I was being nice! She responded:

Ok? Not sure what changed from yesterday. Like I stated in my email I would let you know by the end of the day. I guess one day was a deal breaker? It was nice meeting you and good luck with your job!

Then, 20 minutes later, I got a text saying:

You left me in a tricky situation today. I guess it's a good thing I didn't cancle my appointments today! You told me numerous times that you weren't looking at any other apartments. I was upfront and honest with you I guess I expected the same in return. Please don't email Kathleen I will call her and let her know that you found another place. That's the last thing I'll say.

A. I did tell her I stopped looking at places. BUT I didn't tell her about Amelia. AND I only told her this once.
B. Don't spell cancel with the l before the e.
C. I was honest, just not 100% accurate. I left out the unimportant details because I didn't want anything to jeopardize chances to live with her if my other option(s) didn't work out.

FYI: Kathleen is the owner of the unit.

Then, I responded:

I'm glad to hear you're taking it so well :)

Are you serious?

I was honest with you. This other place was something I inquired about weeks before I found your's. Honest. Besides, you couldn't stop telling me you had all these people looking so I decided to put fate into my own hands.

Whatever it's no big deal bye

I am SO happy I listened to Rhianna and Anthony about trusting my gut with her. Something this minor bringing out the worst in someone is someone that I don't want to associate myself with. This isn't college. I don't HAVE to put up with you, and I have met great other people I would rather surround myself with. Jokes on her!

Let's go back to Amelia now. We went to dinner after we got off work, and enjoyed every minute of it! We hit it off instantly, and I found that we're so much alike, but NOT in a bad way. We enjoy the same TV shows, she seems very patient and quiet-tempered, laid back, and most importantly: FAIR! The FSU chick said, "Oh yeah, you'll be paying $75 more for the big room." Amelia said, "We split everything 50/50, and you can have the big bedroom if Belle can have the private den. You see, the apartment is a 1,000 sq ft unit with 2 bedrooms and a den! Peeeerfect! I said, "Yeah! That sounds great!"

Altogether, it's cheaper to live with her than anywhere else because of the value of living, honestly. Happiness with the person/dog I live with is worth a bit more money each month, personally, and Anthony had another good point: "You need a roommate. You feed off peoples' energy." Isn't he wise?

Our official move-in date is July 18th. We have a prorated rent, and I am paying for part of the month because I'm going to start moving in my things and actually move in during the last week in July. Unfortunately, Belle won't be joining us until the end of August. Booooo.

The apartment complex even said we could paint our walls whatever colors we wanted, as long as we prime them before we move out. If we prime them, we don't have to pay our of the security deposit for the paint! NICE! The "perfectly sunny" place had rules stating things like:

No congregating on the central lawn, including sunbathing and recreational sports.
No vacuuming between 9pm and 9am.

Yeah, right. My complex is like, "Go ahead, strip down to your skivvies and soak up that sun!" AND my complex has monthly get-togethers with all the management and renters. For example, they're having a happy hour in July and we're invited! Yes, please! The only thing that would make this complex ABSOLUTELY PERFECT was if it had a pool. :( Did I mention it's a half mile away from my office???

Long story short, I am 100% happy, and I have been learning the lesson of my lifetime: trust my gut. How have I learned this, you ask?

A. Accepting an Internship at a top architecture firm in hopes to land that job.

Got the job.

B. Thinking Rhianna was the best roommate option for me in May, even though I didn't know her or the area JUST because she contacted me through the VT listserv and really indirectly through Adil.

Perfect accommodation.

C. Committing to Amelia and not FSU. (She doesn't even deserve the chick anymore.)

Gained a great roommate (well, technically two), and a friend.

Trust your gut. Something I've always known but never understood. At VT, trusting my gut got me my only C in Biology. Now, I truly understand the meaning and it only took me a couple months and a lot of decision making!

THANKS, EVERYONE! I'm so happy everything's slowly falling into place. But I keep dreaming about two nights ago it was a mile wide. No joke. and all my grandparents were in it. ...what does that mean?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Let me tell you about more people!

That girl I met to have dinner with the other night was interesting! She was the stereotypical money money money city girl. Need I say more?

Anyway, the girl who has the perfect apartment invited me out to a country bar with her and her current roommate. It was interesting, that's for sure, because it felt like I was in Texas! I even texted Anthony saying something like, "Come join us!" Haha. I had a lot of fun with them, but I was pretty sad when her roommate spilled her pink drink on my favorite purple dress...I think it'll come out, though, but I probably should bring it to the dry cleaners. I have a shirt and pants I need to bring there, too, so it'll be my motivation to bring them.

I worked til 9:30-10pm yesterday working on getting construction documents out to a client with a girl I work with, and honestly, if I wasn't competing for her apartment, I would've just gone to bed early last night! It's a good thing I went, though, but I don't think I'm going to do that for a rides are expensive.

My cab driver was nice, though. He picked me up right in front of my townhouse, to the bar, and from the bar back home later. I talked with him the whole time. He's here because the US granted him a full scholarship to come to America from Africa to study, and he said he's been here for about 4 years. His girlfriend and daughter are back in Africa, and he wouldn't stop talking about how much he misses them and how he's saving up for a plane ride to visit. He said it's taken him years to save I felt alright paying $15 both ways to and from the country place. But like I said before, I'm not doing that again for a long time! Haha.

Now that I think about it, I'm actually not going to be in town much in July anyway. Next weekend, I'm going to be in Baltimore to visit Drew, Heather, Mark, and Lilly, the next I'll be in Blacksburg for Grandpa's Memorial, the next Heather and Mark are going to visit on Saturday, and the neeeext I will be in TEXAS to visit ANTHONY!!! Thennnn, the next weekend is move-out-move-in weekend!!

On another note, I think I'm watching some kind of a Miss Virginia Scholarship competition. I don't mean to be mean, but it's all ridiculous!!

Tonight was nice...I watched a Jackie Chan movie on Hulu called Accidental Spy, I think. I also think it was filmed in Chinese or Korean, because none of the English words matched their lips! It was a good movie, though. Jackie Chan was an orphan who lived his life simply, but later found out his orphan father or something was the man responsible for preventing some strong strong opium from reaching the bad guys' hands. He pulled Jackie into the mess right before he died to keep the bad guys from getting it and all his money. I don't really understand the whole plot, but I did understand that Jackie was the good guy who kicked all the bad guys' butts! And yes, of course, I enjoyed watching it with a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream and strawberries!

Friday, June 24, 2011


I'm so sorry I haven't told you what I've been up to lately!! I've been working working working working so much lately!

Last weekend was slow, uneventful, and cozy. I honestly sat on the couch, ate periodically, and played Zelda for practically hours on end!

This week, on the other hand, was so busy! Some construction docs were due to a client today, so I stayed til about an hour ago (9pm) to work on them! I wasn't alone, of course, and I was happy to stay to help. Unfortunately, I didn't get to hang out with my friend Garrett from Virginia Tech; her parents live in Bethesda. That made me sad, because I was really looking forward to seeing her, but after spending 12 hours at work, I decided I'd come home.

And to answer your question: yes, I am still apartment searching. I met a girl last week for Starbucks and although she seemed nice, she did mention that she lives with a golden retriever who sheds all the time. That doesn't bother me much, considering Ellie used to shed, but my allergies made me a bit stuffy on a regular basis. Now, I'm not sure if a golden retriever's dander is the same as a lab, but I have a feeling I don't want to find out... Then there was another girl I talked to on the phone, but she has to be up here mid-July and hasn't even received the OK to move because her background check is pending...sketchy! The third girl had a higher budget than me, so I didn't want to hold her back. She ended up finding something really great, though, which makes me happy. I actually met her for dinner the other night...I'll tell you about that in a minute. The fourth girl was one I met at the Metro stop randomly, but her move in date is a bit before mine too. This wouldn't be an issue, except for the fact that I'd pretty much be paying two rents at once, which is something I don't really want to deal with!

Theeeeeeen, I went to look at a 2 bedroom 2 bath unit in Rosslyn, which was in a good location but NOT worth the money at ALL. Can you believe they were showing the apartment while two males lived in it?? It was SO GRODY! There's no way I would live there, pay all electric appliances, live in a tiny tiny apartment with the washer and dryer crammed into the community bathroom! No. freaking. way! I rushed out of there as soon as I could! I think I was being rude, actually...haha.

After work, however, I met another girl whose roommate is moving out. All I can say is: SO WORTH IT!!! Unfortunately, I am competing with a bunch of other girls for it, though. Ugh. We'll see! It's so bright, light, and homey! The only thing is: no pool. No balcony. Oh well. That's alright, though, because the location is PERFECT!!!!!!!!! It's literally around the corner and a block down from my office!!! I'll keep you updated.

Gotta go- Anthony's calling - I'll type more later!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A loving good bye

I guess since I'm sitting here not tired I would go ahead and tell you that Emily passed away last week. For any of you who don't know who Emily is, I'll explain.

I worked for a man, Bob, and his wife, Emily, last summer. Bob is 93, Emily 89, and they have been married for over 65 years. They were practically inseparable their entire lives, and their love for each other reminded me a lot of the Notebook! Bob is half blind, which is why I was helping him in his home office. I would help him type, call his friends, and organize his office. He always told me he wanted to keep strong and smart for Emily through her struggling time. You see, Emily had Alzheimer's and dementia, among a few other minor things. She never really lost her memory, but one thing she did have a hard time with was believing bad things were happening to the ones she loved. She would make sure to call people every day to make sure they were still alright. In other words, she had a tough time separating her dreams from reality, and it was affecting her almost every day.

They truly are a special couple. Every time she would walk past him in his office, he would say, "Hold on Emily!" and run over to give her a kiss. She danced every time she wanted to show off her new clothes, and always always was dressed nice, including earrings and a dab of lipstick. She introduced me to okra, which I love now, and she had such a passion for gardening vegetables, which is something she talked about all the time. Of course, okra is something I tried because of her, but I don't think I'll ever try her and Bob's peanut butter and cottage cheese sandwiches. That's too adventurous for me.

Her memorial is the same day as my grandpa's, which is both good and bad. Honestly, it's probably the best weekend since I'll be depressed already and because I'll be in Bburg already, but I'm not sure I'm wanting to see Bob sad. He's always so optimistic, fun, and friendly. I actually visited them before I moved up here, and although Emily wasn't doing great, Bob was holding up for her. I have a slight feeling that he's going to go downhill fast now that she's gone. It's really sad to me, but I'm trying not to get too upset. They were two of the most loving, accepting, adventurous, and friendly people I've ever known. They both have lived such long lives, and they had each other til the end, which is something that is so rare nowadays. I guess more than anything, I am sad for Bob because Emily was his life.

They honestly are two special special people that touched my life in a huge way.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What a boring weekend!

Officially made it through Thursday and Friday as a full-time employee, and honestly, the hours flew by! I only brought my lunch once this week...every other day it was provided to me by presenters that came to visit our firm and a meeting for our upcoming competition!

Other than work, I've been doing nothing pretty much! Anthony got me to try playing Zelda on Wii, and it's been interesting. There have been moments in that game that go by really quickly, and others that take me FOREVERRR to figure out!! Haha. I enjoy it, though, especially when I'm trying to get the hours to pass by on a boring weekend.

Tonight, Rhianna, her boyfriend Mauricio, and I went to the Burger Joint for dinner. We ordered at the registers easily, even though it was packed inside. The soda machine was AWESOME!!! I've never seen anything like it in my life! It was completely digital, and there were a ton of choices of soda on the front screen. Once I pressed "Coca-Cola," six MORE options popped up, including vanilla coke...cherry coke...etc. I chose vanilla coke, of course.

We sat down, and it wasn't long til they both got their food. I sat patiently waiting for my food, never came! Rhianna and Mauricio finished, and I decided at that point to go ask where my order was. Turns out they lost my ticket!! I was alright with this, but Rhianna was outraged!! Mauricio said, "You need to get a refund." I didn't want to complain to them though, so he said, "OK so get a chocolate milkshake instead." I went to the manager with Rhianna and simply said, "Do you mind if we get reimbursed with something since I never received my food?" The woman said, "OF COURSE!!! Name it!" I said, "I would like a chocolate milkshake, please." and she turned to her people and yelled, "CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE! NOW!" Hahaha!

It only took a few more minutes for my fries and hamburger to be delivered to me, but the hamburger came without my bacon! It wouldn't've been a big deal IF I hadn't paid a dollar extra for it, so I went back up to the counter and asked for my bacon on the hamburger that never came to me in the first place. The men said, "Oh my gosh! We're so sorry!" and they plopped a TON of bacon on it for me. They actually put extra on the side! I finally got to sit down with my extra food, and gave the milkshake to Rhianna and Mauricio to share because I hadn't eaten yet. Besides, the milkshake looked waaaaaaaaaay too chocolatey. (The syrup didn't look like it was mixed into the ice cream in other words.) The food was good, though, and seeing that amazing coke machine is enough for me to want to go back! ...I'll probably end up going to Five Guys instead, though, since it's closer to my townhouse...and they've always been reliable and delicious!

After dinner, we came back to the townhouse and played Wii. Rhianna was slowly getting the hang of playing the video games, bless her heart, but she did have a lot of fun which is the important part!!

Anyway, here's some good news, I think! So now that I have that permanent position, I'm stressing about getting a permanent place to live in for the next year (minimum). I've been sending inquiry after inquiry to ads, people, and realtors but nobody's been able to help me at all yet. Fortunately, though, a girl emailed me about potentially living with her in August, and she sounds really nice and responsible. She's looking to live in Rosslyn, like me, and wants to live in a nice complex with a pool, like me. She's a bit older, which is good for me, and she's been in the area for a few years, which is good too!! Hopefully something will work out soon. I'm hoping to commit to something by July 1st, whether it's a person or an apartment! Keep your fingers crossed!! I think this sounds like it could turn out to be a good accommodation for me...

Check out this townhouse down the street from me! It's tiiiny!

I also remembering mentioning in an earlier post that I thought the Dupont escalator was smaller than the Rosslyn one. Here's the Dupont one:

I also thought I would share a few pictures of a few of my favorite people in the whole wide world:

Ava at her T-ball game!! Looks like such a natural!!

Happy happy Grayson when Mom and Dad went to Charleston to visit!

ADORABLE Evie!!!! Check out that dimple!!

Check out Lilly's eyes - gorgeous!!

Drew's new haircut! WHAT A STUD!!

Here's a shot of all of them (minus Miss Ava)

I think it's amazing to see all the kids interact with each other. This last picture just demonstrates how gentle Drew is with the babies. Ava is the same way, and I think it's adorable to see them be so caring to the little little ones! There's a precious picture of Drew and Ava holding hands at the Graduation party, but I think Linda still has it on her computer. It's too cute! ...I should get that from her soon!

And since I'm on a baby picture craze right now, I'm going to brag about how cute the babies are in Anthony's family as well!!

Conner has such a sweet smile!! What a cutie!

Nora, of course, has perfected the on-cue smile technique and I'm loooving her cute hair!

AH! I love babies! I can't wait to see all of them again! I'm headed to Baltimore July 2-4, and I get to spend two whole days with Lilly and Drew!! The weekend after is Grandpa's memorial in the Burg, so I'll be spending time with babies I've never met before (should be interesting), but I also get to see Ava the entire weekend!!! Maybe she can show me her hot t-ball moves! I'm not sure when I'll get to see every other baby, but in the meantime, pictures are perfect!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My achilles hurt

I have a full time job!!!!

I am now the official Junior Interior Designer at KGD!! I got the offer letter stating that I would start tomorrow, which was a lot sooner than expected! I am thankful, however, and from my understanding, I get great benefits! I'm very happy.

Now, let's find somewhere for me to live! I went running today, and had the epiphany that I love being able to run around Old Town. There are people everywhere, so I feel safe, but I also don't have to feel like I'm going to run into anyone I know. I'm also thinking it's going to be the best thing for me because I can (a) save money living here, and (b) I have a roommate set up pretty much - Rhianna's friend. Of course, maybe we could find another place in Alexandria that feels more sturdy? Hahaha. I honestly feel like my townhouse is going to break off from the one next to us and tip all the way over!!

After my run, I realized how much my achilles hurt! Anthony's had this feeling before, and he was in pain for days. I think my legs aren't used to the uneven brickwork on the sidewalks, and my tendons and muscles that are hurting have never been worked out in this way before!

I'm off to bed - just wanted you to know the GREAT NEWS!

Monday, June 13, 2011

A not so shabby Monday

Got to work and dealt with materials most the day. It's not really what I want to do for the next year, but it's work, right? I hope that soon I can transition into more of a graphic, space planning, Revit machine! In due time, though...

For lunch, a bunch of the girls at work went to this thai restaurant called Barabas or something close to that. I thought I was playing it safe by getting a sample of a few different things in a "lunch box," but ends up the only things I liked were the eggroll and the teriyaki steak so I didn't eat much lunch. I even packed my lunch today, but decided I didn't want to skip out on getting to know the girls I work with.

Needless to say, my tummy was hurting a bit afterward. I drank some water throughout the day and once I got on the Metro, I seriously thought I was going to throw up. The train was packed, and all I could smell were armpits, the sweat from the runner that just hopped on, and musky heat that had built up from all the bodies. Ew. Thankfully, by the time we got to Crystal City, a lot of the people had gotten off. One man, however, stayed on, and I hoped he would've gotten off sooner. He was sucking on this rock candy on a stick, but the entire thing was in his mouth while he used his fingers to text and all I could hear was SLURP SLURP SLURP sniff sniff SLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP SLURP SLURP sniff sniff SLURP...OMG I was gagging. This man was not small, sweating, and really really really obnoxious. I imagined myself hitting the rock candy to the back of his throat and saying, "THAT'S BETTER!!!"

Once I got off the train I felt a bit better. I actually went running, hoping that I would be able to get some fresh air. It was a bit cloudy today, and the heat wasn't overpowering like it has been for the past few days. I ran through the streets to the man who plays on the crystal glasses and stretched a bit while listening to him. I ran back soon after, totaling about 2 miles I think.

aanndd I still have a fat toe. What the heck!

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you: Clarendon was amazing. Absolutely, extravagantly, and utterly amazing. I want to live there. I feel safe, comfortable, and it is so bright and lively there. I have heard numerous people saying how great it is to live there, how it's so safe, and how it's so close to restaurants/bars/Metro, etc. It's also only 2-3 towns away from work, so the commute would be short. I really hope I can find somewhere there. I had my heart set on Falls Church, but I have been looking and most of what I have found are basement efficiencies. I don't want to live in someone's basement. Especially since I will have family visitors, etc. Kate, who I work with, has given me the name of the man who helped her find her current place, so I'm going to contact him soon. (Wow that sentence was wordy.)

Wish me luck!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Check check check!

Deposit money?
Clean dishes?
Clean and reorganize bedroom?
Water plants?
Make cupcakes?
Bought cupcakes.

I really appreciate how close I am to everything I need, including my bank, grocery store, Metro, etc. The only things that are keeping me from signing the lease to stay here is: (a) having to live with someone I don't know, and (b) Having part of the ghetto one block over. Honestly, everything else is so convenient...chances are I'll stay here, but only because I can't find anything more convenient. I've checked lists and lists on Craigslist, tons of advertisements, and even have contacted a few leasing agents. Everyone can't find me anything that compares to this price I am paying right now, unfortunately. I'll keep looking, though. I'll need to tell Rhianna if I'm staying or not by July 1st, I think.

Went to my second cupcake shop in Alexandria! I walked all the way down King Street to get there, but it was good because it got me out of the house for a couple hours. It's called Lavender Moon Cupcakery. I absolutely have no idea why it's called that. Nothing inside is lavender.

The woman wasn't overly nice, but she was pleasant, which is more than I can say about Alexandria Cupcake! Honestly, I think my cupcake shop would be so much better than theirs combined, but oh well. *Sigh*.

Lavender Moon Cupcakery

I bought a vanilla cupcake filled with chocolate ganache and cinnamon, topped with chocolate icing, and a red velvet cupcake with white frosting. I thought it was light and frothy, but it's actually cream cheese frosting...I'm not sure what I think about it. Too sour for the red velvet.

The filling in the chocolate and vanilla cupcake is delicious!!

This is my reorganized room for those who haven't seen it! I realized I never posted my bedroom pictures in the first place, but this arrangement makes it feel so much bigger!

If I stay here, I'm going to move into Rhianna's room, which is two times bigger than mine. I'll need to bring my small couch, dresser, and kitchenware here also, but that's it. Everything else is already here. I might want to bring my double bed mattress because my twin isn't that comfortable...too springy. Everything else is already in the townhouse, which is great. She's giving me a bunch of her furniture, too, which is perfect! If I was to move out of here, I would need to move everything out of here AND move things to another place. Maybe it's best if I just suck it up and stay in this townhouse for the time being just because it's easy, and move somewhere later if I choose not to live with someone. I ALSO would be able to save a bunch of money by living here, considering it's so much cheaper than anywhere else in the area...

I'm still flip flopping on this decision. Someone just tell me what to do!!

No plans

It really seemed like this week went by really fast!

I went out to lunch with the Interiors girls at work yesterday to a chinese restaurant. The food was really good, and honestly, it was the most stereotypical chinese restaurant you could ever imagine!! I even had the slight thought that the beef I was eating wasn't beef...

I've been looking at a lot of apartments lately, but nothing is working out yet. Honestly, it's so hard to find places to live up here that's under $1,000 a month. I only have a few criteria that I am looking for:

1br or studio apartment
parking available
w/d nearby
Metro or Metrobus accessible
All utilities/rent under $1,000

Surprisingly, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!! I keep going back and forth, back and forth about this townhouse. I like the location, and it's really nice to be able to go to King Street when I want to, but I really don't want a roommate after Rhianna. I've had so many types of roommates in the past four years, and I think I'm ready to just live by myself for a while. That way, I can use MY stuff for once, in MY way, walk around in my underwear if I wanted to, pee with the bathroom door open (not that I would, but I could), etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Anyway, you know that silky pink shirt I got from H&M? Well, I looked really close at the fabric, and it looks almost ruined. Some parts of the material are darker than others, but it's almost in a veiny pattern. Rhianna looked at it and said, "It actually looks like it's supposed to be like that." but when I turned to look at the back, she said, "Actually, no. No it doesnt." So I guess I'm going to have to go down to the drycleaners sometime today.

Thursday night, Rhianna, her friend Candice, and I went to Dupont Circle for dinner. Since I got here to N.VA, everyone's been telling me the Rosslyn Metro escalator is smaller than the one at Dupont Circle. I don't think it is, though. It seemed like the Rosslyn one is so much bigger! We ate at a Mexican restaurant called Alero, and it was really good! It reminded me of El Rodeo, but with less Mexicans running around! It was a really nice dinner, and Candice was so much fun!! Afterward, we headed to Front Page or One Page or something to see Mauricio (her boyfriend) and his friend that was visiting from Columbia. I liked the music, but felt awfully uncomfortable at the bar. I was also not being much fun because in the back of my head, I was thinking: I need to go to bed...I want to go to bed...I wish I was home...I have to get up in 8 hours for work and we're not even heading home yet...Lame! It seemed like it took forever to get home, too! We had to wait 15 minutes for the red line train which took 5-10 minutes to get to the transfer station to the yellow line, then it took 20 minutes to wait for the yellow train, then 15 minutes to ride to Braddock Road station, and then Rhianna drove us home from there! Needless to say, I fell asleep RIGHT when we got home!

I HATE having 5 channels to watch! I wish I had more! Right now, all that is on TV is Magic School Bus and they're trying to catch a giant praying mantis! I think this was the first time I've ever had to spell praying mantis. Haha.

Today, I'm not doing much. I've been so busy lately with work and visits from everyone that I'm alright with doing nothing this weekend! I've got laundry to do, I have to walk to the bank to deposit my checks, and I need to clean my room/apartment! If I'm not going to be doing anything, I might as well not be lazy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Better late than never, right?

Work went by fast today. I sat in on a two hour meeting regarding partition plans for a project, and I learned so much! I swear, it amazes me how my brain acts like a sponge when something is interesting to me! I learned what a cut sheet is, and a SCIF, which is pretty cool sounding.

Cut sheet: a sheet of specs for lighting and appliances and stuff.

SCIF: Abbreviation for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility. Basically, it's a super super protected private section of a floor plan used in Government buildings. No cell phones, computers, cameras, etc. are allowed inside a SCIF.


Then I came home and finished writing all my Graduation Thank You cards!! It took me a couple hours to address them all - haha. It probably took me so long because I've been watching Wheel of Fortune...Jeopardy...Middle...Modern Family...while writing them! Better late than never, right?

Now that I think about it, I think I forgot to eat dinner!! I came home, plopped down on the floor and talked to Rhianna for a solid hour before taking off my shoes or purse off my shoulder. Then I grabbed a snack because she invited me to go to dinner with her boyfriend and his friend from Columbia. I said, "Maybe," but once it came time to go, I said no. I felt like I had so much to do (including these Thank you cards), and it's a good thing I didn't because she mentioned when she was running out the door that they'd probably be speaking Spanish a lot of the time. ...Hmmm...seems like a BIT of a detail I should've known from the beginning!!!

Surprisingly, living with Rhianna is like living with a Saint. I am SO relieved she's so easy to live with. Honestly, I have lived with such a variety of people that this accommodation is such a breeze! The only things that I don't like about this townhouse is the air flow through the two floors, and how thin the walls seem between units. BUT with all that said, I might try and stay living here in the fall IFFFF I get that job.

Let's go get that job.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long day

I woke up absolutely exhausted this morning. Honestly, I don't usually have a hard time waking up once I am out of bed, but this morning it was really really difficult! I spent the entire day working on material board plans, and I attended a few business meetings.

To tell you the truth, I almost fell asleep when I was in the engineering meeting for our new residential project. I was in there by choice, too! Hahaha!!! (Fail.) I was closing my eyes for abnormally long blinks, and when I opened my eyes, I always made eye contact with someone. (Epic fail.)

I worked through lunch today, because I had a lot to get done. I drank a lot of water today, though, and managed to not drink any coffee in order to wake me up! I was really proud of that! I hate having to drink coffee in the mornings. It seems unnatural and most of all, unhealthy! ...I do love my Starbucks, though. Yummy.

Tomorrow isn't going to be as busy at work, I don't think. I should actually get in the groove of bringing gym shoes and workout clothes to work, since I have access to the building's gym. I feel so privileged to work there because of all the cool perks! A gym...newly renovated locker room next to it...super secure entrances/exits/elevators...extremely close access to the lunches/snacks now and own personal phone number...

I know what you're thinking. "Courtney, you can get your own personal phone number wherever you work." BUT it seems cool because it's my first official business number!! Go ahead and ask me what it is!

...Good question. I have no clue!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

I think that was the last visit for a while

This weekend was really fun! Lacey came up, of course, and we kept busy every day!

Friday, we walked down King Street to the water and had dinner at Murphy's Irish Pub. Honestly, it was not all that bad, but the Key West Fire Dept. was doing a bar hop so it got really busy and really noisy really really fast. All of them were wearing kilts, leis, and a lot of them had Fireman hats on.

Saturday, we walked down to Starbucks and then headed right to the Metro to go to Metro Center. One of her goals was to visit an H&M, and mine was to go to Madame Tussaud's. Coincidentally, they were in the same building together right next to our stop!

In case you've never heard of it, Madame Tussaud's is a wax museum. It is in a lot of cities, but each location has their own statues - they're all completely different. Lacey and I had a great time! We sat with Lincoln, said HI to some of the old presidents, cuddled up onto a few celebrities, posed with J.Lo, boo'd the Jonas Brothers, had a laugh with Elton John, walked straight past Katie Couric, and kissed Johnny Depp at the end!


Too slow.

She looks a lot better as wax.

The Rock!

"Ohhh Julia."

It's Ok, George. Not everyone has to like you.

Photo bop!!

I met the Obamas!

That's what you call love

Respect my authoritah!


You got nothin' on me, J.Lo!

and our personal favorite...

Mom, this is for you!

Lots and lots of fun! Afterward, we shopped at H&M. Lacey got a few really really adorable dresses! Here's my shirt I got:

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe (yummmmmm) for lunch. Of course Lacey went to set down her purse next to the window by our table and BAM! it fell about 3 feet down the window onto a display ledge. HA! Unfortunately, our waiter was kind of grody. Lacey said his nails were super short, his teeth were kind of messed up, and his eyes looked like there were no pupils in them! The food was delicioso, though! As we were walking down the street, we found a street vender who was selling my new purse:

I'm not so into showing off brand names like this, but it's exactly what I've been looking for! It's such a pain to have to hold onto my purse while I'm riding the Metro and walking everywhere, so getting a purse that goes over my shoulder was a must! Lacey tried to help bargain the price for me...key word: tried...

Lacey: How much for the purse?
Man: $35.
Me: Oh.
Man: How much you want it for?
Lacey: $25.
Man: $30.
Lacey: Court, do you have a 5?
Me: I have a 20.
Lacey: Ok, $35 it is.

HAHA! Fail! Epic fail! Totally worth it though! After being in DC, we headed back to King Street to eat dinner. We ended up eating at Two Nineteen, only a couple blocks away from the Harbor area. I tried my first snail...was actually pretty good!...but the texture killed me! Haha! It's like a mushroom. but an animal. We enjoyed a couple steaks, mashed potatoes, and tasty wine! Then we walked down to the water, where the man was playing his glasses!

So far, he's been playing every single Saturday for three weeks...I'm thinking he's there every weekend! I might go listen more often! He's amazing. Absolutely amazing. Lacey got a great video of him playing, but I can't seem to save it onto my computer. Oh well! Afterward, we ran across a krumping contest! Just imagine America's Best Dance Crew without the breakdancing moves, quieter music, and a bunch of teenagers. It actually was a blast to watch!

I don't quite understand it...seems a bit angry to me, but it was so much fun to watch!

Sunday, I actually woke up later than I thought I would. Lacey actually had to come in and get me out of bed! I dreamt I moved to Buckingham, Alamaba, to live with a host family. In their family was a man, his wife, the grandpa, and five little babies (about the size and age of all my little nieces and nephew). The house was right on the ocean, but it was the Cherokee house. Strange. I walked down to the beach, only to find a ton and a ton of ships riding in to the shore. It seemed odd to me that nobody was questioning this. The Grandpa explained to me that they drive in to shore because a cruise ship has to pass. So then a huge cruise ship went by. Out in the distance I could see a tornado forming above the water. Everyone said to go inside, so I followed. Then, as I was in the Dining Room, a tornado was forming in our Family Room. I instantly grabbed all the babies, a blanket from the Living Room, and lined them up under the Dining Room Table away from the storm. The blanket was to keep the glass from hitting them, in case the windows blew out. The Grandpa leaned down to see me laying next to all the babies, and he thought I was crazy for being so concerned about the storm. He thought it was nothing - I was worried, though.

A cup of coffee woke me up, and we headed to Pentagon City Mall. We ate at Johnny Rockets (yummmmm), and walked around the mall for hours. We didn't buy too much, but it was a lot of fun to search the stores. I got Ava a ribbon dancer (remember those?) from Claire's, and a card from Papyrus. Then we went back down to King Street, and ended up visiting a few Vintage Clothing stores and boutiques that we didn't see the day before. I got:

Vintage green dress

Square neck black shirt

Charlotte Russe pink top for $8!

Clarks heels (comfy comfy!) and two pair of Nine West shoes from their Outlet store. (Buy one get one half off!)

Honestly, I wouldn't've gotten so many pairs of shoes had I not worn my new black flats for two weeks straight at my new job! Now I have lots of options for every outfit! After shopping, we cooked a frozen pizza from Trader Joe's and enjoyed some wine before heading straight to sleep.

Lacey left this morning before I went to work, and I actually got a lot accomplished today. I'm working on a few material boards to present to clients tomorrow, and I had my first KGD staff meeting today! It was actually very interesting! I learned about everything new that's happening in the firm, got to see our new website, and saw pictures of the projects that are currently being worked on. Then we all ate pizza together in the Conference Room! It was really really good pizza, too. A very tomato-y sauce and misc. toppings...kind of reminded me of NY Pizza. Or at least the pizza that used to be in the Cburg mall way back when the first food court existed!

Tonight, I just searched for apartments and potential places where I could live in two months...nothing is turning up. But good news is that if all else fails, I could stay at my current place as long as I get a roommate to live with me. It's the cheapest option right now. ...Rhianna just started her hair 12am? Oh yeah. I guess that's one thing I don't like about this place: the walls seem like their paper thin and some parts of the townhouse make me think it's going to collapse any second! We'll have to see...maybe I'll land a job at KGD that will help me find a nicer apartment to live in in August!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why so much guilt?

I am cheap. I'll just say it; I have a hard time buying expensive things, things full price, and things that cost money in general. There's no denying it, though: I do like new stuff. I just don't like paying for new stuff. Ha! Lacey and I spent the entire day hanging out, eating, visiting places, and shopping (I'll write about it later), but ended up blowing through every single dollar that I had in my wallet. Every dollar. Every single one. I bought two nice pairs of flats to wear to work (since I was wearing the same pair straight for two weeks), a nice work shirt, lunch, a museum visit, a Walgreens run for shampoo and toothpaste, a water from a street vender, an over the shoulder purse from another street vender, and a new dress. No doubt, I'll be wearing those clothes a lot a lot a lot. BUT to give you a number, it would all probably be good for 2.5 meals at Fogo de Chao. Or a new beagle. Or 40 frappaccinos from Starbucks. Aiaiai. Guilt! Guilt! Guilt!

I was telling Anthony, though, that if you put it into perspective, some women spend that much money on 1-2 items. and some women even spend that much money every weekend. Now, I have plenty enough money for the rest of the summer (no worries at all), but still. I'm cheap. Ack! Someone tell me it was worth it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today was interesting. I spent the majority of my time working with materials, trying to stay awake, and thinking about my next meal (what's up with that??). On the Metro on the way home, a tiny woman was practically groping me trying to keep her balance between stops! So I came home, made dinner, and decided I would go get a gourmet cupcake from Alexandria Cupcake down the street!

I can't explain my excitement walking to the store. I walked fast for two reasons: 1. I couldn't wait til I got my hands on a cupcake! and 2. I wanted to make sure I got home early enough to see Wheel Of Fortune!! Well, I walked up the stairs, opened the door, and behold: ten types of cupcakes staring at me in the eyes. No doubt about it: they looked yummy, but there was hardly anything in the store. Now, here's my next point: if you're going to do "small business," do good "small business!" This girl (who didn't look much older than me) was not friendly, happy, smiling...NOTHING! She said, "What can I get you?" That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I told her it was my first time there (expecting an introduction to her cupcakes), and she just said, "Oh." Needless to say, I went with a mission, and I chose a mocha cupcake. Chocolate with whipped mocha icing and a chocolate covered espresso bean. She rang me up and put the cupcake on a napkin for me. I said, "Actually, do you have a box I can take it in? I need to walk a couple blocks home with it." She said, "Oh. I should've asked. Sorry." That's it. Nothing less, nothing more. I took my damn cupcake and walked out. I can find a better cupcake shop.

Also, I have been cooking (a bit), and thought you'd like to see my unorthodox dinner I made a few nights ago:

Honestly, I need to confess something. I have been questioning becoming an interior designer for years, and honestly, I'm still second guessing myself. I am also second guessing living up here. It's just so expensive. I would be much happier in a place where it didn't have to cost a leg and an arm to have a roof over my head. Of course, I need to be in the city to make any money in my industry, which is another reason why I'm not 100% on this decision. I just don't know about anything today.

*Sigh*. I am a pretty normal girl, but I do not want a normal job. I do not want to sit in an office, in a chair, day in and day out, answering phones, and updating files. I do not want a boring, lifeless, calm, easy job. I do not want a strenuous, 60 hour a week, sorry I can't do lunch, can hardly see my family job. I want to help people. I want to interact with people. Not just any people, though. All people. Every people. I want to see new people I have never seen before, I want to see people that I see all the time, and I want them to want to be around me. I feed on conversation. I don't want to be afraid to say too much, and I want to be my bubbly, cute self. My industry is a bit suffocating. It's unsure. It's elegant. It's a job girls (and some guys) dream about having. I...haven't ever dreamed about this job, honestly.

If I had a dream job, I would want to be a successful cake/cupcake baker. I would want to be in a cute location, cute decor, with cute baked items stacked everywhere. I would want to do event cakes, party cakes...I'd have regulars, I'd have new people, and I would be friendly, helpful, and nice. People would love to come to my store. They would bring their friends and family to my store. They would love to sit in there, enjoy a homemade up of my coffee, and would head home to my loving family after a day's work.

Is that too much of a dream? My education could help me so much with this idea. I would just have to go back to school for baking. Maybe take some classes while working during the day to pay off student loans. ...Dad would disown me.

Maybe a glass of wine will help me make my decision.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Busy weekend!

I'm sorry I haven't written at all this week! Anthony came to visit Friday, so I tried not to be distracted by this thing!

Honestly, we did so much that it would be hard to tell you exactly when and what time we did everything but here's what we did:

Toured King Street
Ate lots and lots of good food
Drank Starbucks for breakfasts
Sat and enjoyed a beer in my nice backyard
Visited the Zoo!!
Watched Hangover 2 (hilarious!)
Walked and ate in Chinatown
Watched the Nationals play the Phillies (and got a sunburn)
Went grocery shopping down the street (mostly just to find where it was)
Rode the Metro a lot

Did I forget anything?? Well, we definitely kept much that the weekend zoomed by! Here are some pictures Anthony took for me:

A starfish crawling up the glass

Dad's big orangutan

Female lions

I have to admit that I wasn't the best host, haha! I am still learning my way around and finding things to do here, so Anthony actually took the reins a lot of days and was MY tour guide!!

The Hangover 2 was so funny!! I read a lot of reviews saying how awful it was, but I think they said that because it is pretty inappropriate - HA! I laughed the entireeeee movie!

Once he left Tuesday, I got pretty sad...

Work Tuesday went by really slow, but today didn't really. Tonight is TV watching night!! Rhianna's at her boyfriend's tonight, so I've got the apartment to myself. I really like living with her, but I also like the idea of being on my own and not worrying about a roommate.

Oh...and did I mention that KGD hired a new Interior Designer who has 3-5 years experience in the fall? She starts Monday.