So today, I went into the day exhausted, left work exhausted, and I really didn't want to play in our indoor soccer game tonight. ...but I took Anthony's advice and went.
...and I had a great time!! We won 9-2! I assisted three goals, scored once, and caused a girl to score on their own goal (deflection)!!! YESSS!! It was a lot of fun.
It reminds me why I love soccer so much. Sorry, lacrosse, I love you too, but you're not my main gig anymore...
Oh, I guess I should've probably talked about my dentist appointment today too. Well, it was interesting. Everyone at the office were very very very nice. The dentist was very nice, and I felt like she knew what she was doing for the most part. I was nervous, though, the entire time because:
a. They have tons and tons of new, state-of-the-art, modern tools. For example, instead of a hook thingy they usually pick at your teeth with, it was a hook thing that squirted water out at the same time. Weird!
b. When she was finished with the squirting hook thing, she used the old-fashioned hook on my bottom teeth and I was cringing the entire time!! She stuck the tip into the back-bottom of my bottom teeth and then pulled it through the tiny gap to the top of the teeth really really really firmly. I honestly felt like my teeth could've been pulled out in that moment.
c. The Dental Hygienist kept squirting me with water. Not once, not twice, not three times, but four. The fourth technically wasn't entirely her fault, but she filled my mouth with too much water. Hah.
SO the Dental Hygienist was a bit frustrating because of the water, but I had to step outside to go back to work during a torrential downpour -without an umbrella- so I guess it didn't matter. ...oh...and she squirted toothpaste all over my chin from the swirling automatic toothbrush, and it was really hard to get off my face when I stood up from the chair! She gave me mouthwash to wash all the gritty toothpaste out of my mouth after I stood up from the chair. Hmmm...Then they were giving me a hard time about not flossing, but they didn't even floss my teeth during my appointment!
I did learn something about my mouth, though: I have 3 fillings?! I had no idea!! Sadness. She did compliment me on how well I clean my teeth, though, because she said they looked really nice!
Good thing I didn't even pay a dollar to go! My insurance covered 100% of everything: my introduction exams, checkup, and copay! Needless to say, I'm going to go once more in February just to make sure it was just a bad day, because they're at the most perfect location for me. They're located literally between my home and my office. How convenient!
I brought my x-rays to them, and they didn't even keep them. Haha. Dr. Thompson's office has individual folders with everyone's names on them, all in order, paper x-rays, old-fashioned everything! At Smile Designer, everything is 100% digital so they said although I brought them, they couldn't keep them. So I brought them home with me. I guess that's a good thing, though...just in case I need to go to a different dentist some day...
I felt like my luck was like my Uncle Doug's (Dad's Doug, not Mom's). At one point, the sucker tool was in my mouth for a long time and the noise was hurting my head. There was also a point that I had to swallow and it was really hard to. And there was another time I felt like I was having a hard time breathing since there were two hands, two tools, a sucker, and a water tool in my mouth. Honestly, I alllllmost panicked. Haha!! Things like this, but 10x worse, happen to Doug all. the. time. Poor man.
TGIF tomorrow!!! I'm looking forward to my MK evening, followed by my MK debut on Saturday with some friends, all during the ginormous hurricane that's going to be hitting us! BRING ON THE RAIN! ...just don't cut off my electricity, please.
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