Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Life Update

Good news: I have found an apartment and am signing the lease on Saturday, I think. I also contacted Comcast to switch my service and have officially hired a mover to transport me to my new apartment on the 28th. Bad news: I still have no sublet. This one girl that came yesterday was ALL ABOUT my apartment, and I honestly had such a great feeling about it. I had an ounce of hope in me that this situation really could work out, and then it blew up in my face today when she emailed me saying she didn't want it. Worse news: I have 1.5 weeks to find a replacement or I'm having to pay $1088 extra next month. Better news: I had a nice dinner with Candice, my MK recruiter and friend, and we went to a meeting tonight to amp up our MK spirit and learn some new business techniques. Bad news: I do not feel motivated now. I feel like I need to start my MK business from scratch now. Good news: It's been really nice outside. Bad news: I missed seeing the shuttle fly around DC today. Good news: It gave me a reason to go outside, though. Bad news: I have been feeling more and more and more cramped at my desk at work because of the nice weather. Good news: I had free lunch at a sushi restaurant today with a rep of ours. Bad news: I don't remember her name. Worse news: We have a deadline Friday at work. Even worse news: I cannot focus at work because of how stressed I am about this moving situation. Good news: I have one girl that might still be interested...keeping fingers crossed. Bad news: Amelia isn't a 100% fan. Good news: I told Amelia I needed her to commit because I didn't have any other options right now. Bad news: She got upset and left the room and hasn't talked to me since. Worse news: She's been upset with me since I told her I was moving out. Even worse news: She's been real picky about me finding her roommate "soul mate." I told her I needed her help finding the right person and she said no. Good news: I know inside my new apartment is going to be SO worth it in the end. Bad news: Happiness at my new apartment is being affected by if I need to pay rent at my current place while living there. Worse news: No more savings for me if I need to fund two apartments. Good news: I hope to get a raise soon. Bad news: I don't have any idea when that will be. Good news: I know I am going to be happier in my new apartment in two weeks. Worst news of all: I still have no one to replace me in my current apartment...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

HH and funny links

Worked my butt off all weekend, had a hard time focusing today, then had a HH with KGD after work! It is so nice to spend time with people you work with out of the office for an hour or two. Here are some REALLY funny links people sent me today: 1. http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/13-simple-steps-to-get-you-through-a-rough-day 13 Simple Steps to Get you Through a Rough Day and 2. http://hokiehighs.tumblr.com/ I think this is absolutely HILARIOUS and SO TRUE. Might be one of those "you probably wouldn't get it if you didn't go to Tech" situations but they're still funny. Check them out :) Made me smile.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Damn Dog!

I love Belle, yes, but she totally licked my entire block of brie that I was eating for dinner!! I've been going through this phase where I really don't want to buy groceries, so I've been trying to eat whatever I have in the fridge, cabinet, and I've actually been able to get free food at work a lot lately too because of my overtime and leftovers from lunch and learns, haha. Tonight, I am eating the carrots my Mom bought me for the cheese fondue we made together, lettuce with an avocado that she also bought me, and the brie that Tess bought me as a thank you for letting her stay with me this weekend! I also paid Amelia for a beer tonight. I am so lazy.

Well, lazy is relative. I worked a 14 hour day on Thursday, then I worked for 6 hours yesterday, and 5 today. So having the energy to go to the grocery store is half the battle right now. Second part of the battle is wanting to leave the house. Third part is getting the courage to drive my car, which makes this awful squealing noise every time I start it. I know it's my belt, but I don't want to pay the money for it right now... and fourth is not wanting to spend the money because I bought me some Mary Kay products instead this week. HAHA. I really need to be making more money.

I also haven't been sleeping much. I have been goingggoinggoinggoingoigngoingoignoin all day long and stressing hardcore about this move to a new apartment with Kyra that I'm not sleepy when I lie in bed. It's not even that it's the move that stresses me out, it's the fact that we don't have a lease signed or a replacement for me at my apartment that worries me the most. I just don't want to be put into a situation where I'm going to have to pay two months rent at once, especially since I can hardly buy groceries all the time...that would be a really sticky situation, even if I have money saved.

I talked to Anthony last night and it was so nice! He loves it in the outdoors, but has had a few problems with his legs hurting on their hike. I'm glad he's taking a couple days off to rest yesterday and today, though. I can't wait for him to hike up to me :)